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A Boston- based company committed to make delicious, fresh, and nutritious food convenient, affordable and accessible to all.

My role: UX Research, UX / UI designer
As a first term project, we were determined to build the app from greyscales to hi-fis and made mobile ordering to Fresh Fridges as simple and intuitive as possible.
Tools: Figma
Timeframe: 10 weeks in the DALI Lab
Team: Thomas Monfre D'21, Anca Balaceanu D'20, Emy Hayakawa D'21,
Yakoob Khan D'21, Kunal Rathi D'19, Hailey Scherer D'20
Why's it matter?
Focusing their efforts on ‘food deserts’, like South Station in Boston, the goal of 6AM Health is to make healthy food accessible and convenient to people who are in a rush and might have no other options.
How might we help busy people eat healthier?
Understanding that people eat the food available to them, 6AM Health provides convenient access to delicious healthy food with Fresh Fridges.
With our mobile app that finds fridges and enables online ordering, we've made that access even more convenient: 6AM Health allows people to find a fridge, choose their food, pay, and go!
Our Process
personas / greyscales / hi fi

End Result
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